In this quote by Mircea Eliade, the author delves into the significance of symbolic thinking in human cognition. He argues that symbolic thinking is not limited to children, poets, or the mentally ill, but is actually a fundamental aspect of human nature that predates language and deductive reasoning. Symbols, according to Eliade, reveal the deepest layers of reality that are inaccessible to other means of understanding. Images, symbols, and myths serve a crucial function by satisfying a need and uncovering the most hidden aspects of existence. Eliade's words highlight the importance of symbolism in human culture and the power of symbols to shape our perception of the world.
Mircea Eliade's quote emphasizes the importance of symbolic thinking in understanding the deepest layers of reality that resist other forms of cognition. In today's world, where information overload and superficiality are prevalent, the ability to engage in symbolic thinking can help individuals delve beyond the surface and uncover hidden meanings and connections. Symbolism, imagery, and myths continue to play a crucial role in fulfilling human needs and shedding light on the mysteries of existence.
"A szimbolikus gondolkodás nem csak a gyermekek, a költők vagy az elmebetegek kizárólagos felségterülete: az ember legalapvetőbb sajátja, korábbi, mint a nyelv és a következtető gondolkodás. A szimbólum a valóság legmélyebb rétegeit tárja fel, amelyek a megismerés bármely más eszközének ellenállnak. A képek, a szimbólumok, a mítoszok a pszichének nem holmi fölösleges teremtményei; szükségletet elégítenek ki és funkciót töltenek be: a létezés legtitkosabb módozatait fedik fel.” - Mircea Eliade"
The quote by Mircea Eliade emphasizes the importance of symbolic thinking as a fundamental aspect of human nature. Reflect on the following questions to deepen your understanding of symbolic thought and its significance in our lives: