“And with a last stardrop, a last circle, I arrive, and she's there, chemical wonder in her eyes.”
“The last time Sean found trouble, she arrived in a package of blonde hair and blue eyes.” ~ Giles on Jem”
“Ah, poor Pole. It's been to much for her, this last bit. Turned her head, I shouldn't wonder. She's beginning to see things.”
“You intrigue me,” he said, for it was the truth.“And yet I’ve just told you that I have a fiancé.”“An almost fiancé, I believe you said.”The spark in her eyes dwindled. “Nevertheless—I will marry him. This . . .…” She swept her arm in a wide circle to indicate their extravagant surroundings. “It cannot possibly last.”
“Unless Robbie and Chris wanted to her to be a surrogate mother, this would be her first and last pregnancy. She and morning sickness were not seeing eye-to-eye.”
“Her eyes were luminous gold. I wondered if that was the last color a bug saw when it was trapped in amber—and if the bug thought, wow, that's beautiful, right before it was frozen forever.”