“The Free Hawks is fighters, I says.Warriors, she says, like you. An occasional highway robbers.”
“You missed the shadow of the hawk on the vole if you think how wonderfully free a vole is!”
“Beat me instead," she cried, "It's not Darren's fault! I lost her, I lether go--I cannot be free, I must be chained inside a house androbbed of my hawk, you damned tyrant, but I will not have Preciosachained too!”
“At least Madame Selena had her own building…about sixteen inches from the edge of the highway, but still. And she had a turban. Say what you will, but it certainly added an air of mystery to her, like what, exactly, she was hiding under it.”
“Hawke," he said. "That's the word you need to be saying.”
“So that makes us robbers of robbers," said Bug, "who pretend to be robbers working for a robber of other robbers.”