“The rays of happiness, like those of light, are colorless when unbroken.”
“Happiness, I've discovered, is a choice, a habit. It's a mindset." - Shea in the Preacher's Son #3: Unbroken”
“Life has to be discovered all the time. you can never say "I have done everything I can up to the age of 25, and now I have to settle down and be a responsible, boring adult in a responsible, boring world." You don't have to do that. ”
“You think an essay should have a hypothesis, a conclusion, should argue points. You really do bore me.”
“I could tell I was at the gateway of a region half-bewitched through the piling-up of unbroken time-accumulations; a region where old, strange things have had a chance to grow and linger because they have never been stirred up.”