“Her body sighed, taking him in as if she'd been waiting for this herwhole life.Perhaps she had.”
“Silly little plastic belt, made for a skinny pinny; it could barely tie around her. She managed, though - a tiny white bow. Waiting, she folded her hands and realized how every single time she went by this hospital, the same two thoughts occurred to her: that she'd been born here and that her father's body had been brought here after his suicide. She'd been through some things, but never mind. She straightened her back. Other people had been through things, too.”
“nothing yet. I've been waiting.""for what?"she made no response. she could not tell him that she had been waiting for him.”
“She'd never known true contentment before now. She had waited her whole life for someone to set her free.”
“She wanted to cause him pain for taking a place in her heart she wouldn't have given him if she'd known the truth.”
“now that she realized she had been waiting for him—she did not like that.”