“This matter of two sides to every question is bad logic and bad practice: sometimes there are no sides; sometimes there are a hundred.”
“Sometimes we need to see the bad side, to appreciate the good side.”
“If every person is born with two sides, one good, one bad, is it possible that each side could love a different heart?”
“Komatsu's view is that there are always two sides to everything," Tengo said. "A good side and a not-so-bad side.”
“Leave No Trace (bad language)Sometimes she will speak of him as present, sometimes as past, and sometimes as always. That is how it should be. No one needs rescuing from her own story of the truth and no one needs to side step her history. p270”
“He had read books, newspapers and magazines. He knew that if you ran away you sometimes met bad people who did bad things to you; but he had also read fairy tales, so he knew that there were kind people out there, side by side with the monsters.”