“We were as strangers, in the moment-as intimate as strangers-for strangers know more of us, and can judge of us more without reproach than ever those we love.”
“Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger than someone you know. Why is that?”“Probably because a stranger sees us the way we are, not as they wish us to be”
“In some ways we were more remote than strangers because strangers at least have the possibility of yet unmade connections.”
“Most of us remain strangers to ourselves, hiding who we are, and ask other strangers, hiding who they are, to love us.”
“. . .sometimes one feels freer speaking to a stranger than to people one knows. Why is that?"“Probably because a stranger sees us the way we are, not as he wishes to think we are.”
“Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.”