“When you climb a mountain, look to the top and not to the rocks that surround you. Make sure of where you step as you climb, and do not leap, in case you loose your footing.”
“Will you just stand on the foot of a high mountain and look at it with admiration or climb the top and be the admired itself? Remember that anybody can be an admirer; but the difficult thing is to be the admired one!”
“In fact, the reality of life is such that you never do get to the top. The climb is the goal. The top of the mountain is only the direction, not the destination”
“Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.”
“How you climb a mountain is more important than reaching the top.”
“While you are on your mountain over there climbing and facing the difficulties, I am not at the top of your mountain or mine. I am climbing on my mountain facing my own challenges or obstacles, but because of training and my perspective over here, I may be able to warn you and coach you through some of the obstacles you face on your mountain.”