“If he wasn't already holding my heart in the palm of his hand, I would have taken it out and given it to him right then.”
“Emerson, you just shared your deepest secret with me. I value that. Don't make light of it."If he wasn't already holding my heart in the palm of his hand, I would have taken it out and given it to him.”
“Ky is heavy in my mind, deep in my heart, his palms warm on my empty hands. I have to try to find him. Loving him gave me wings and all my work has given me the strength to move them.”
“Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Zane doubled over in his chair, still laughing hysterically. If he wasn't already dead, I would have killed him.”
“Jesus has given me eternal life in Him. Let them take my life here, but God holds me in the palm of His hand and no one can take Him from me.”
“He takes my right hand and places it palm down on his chest. Then he traces around it with the pen, craning his neck to see, giving himself double chins.'What are you doing?'He shifts my hand away and starts scratching out letters on his skin. 'I worked out a tattoo - if I had one.'I look at what he's done. He's got the outline of my hand over his heart and in it he's written, Her.”