“Man, it is anounced, has the obligation to be intelligent, and he can signify his consent to this obligation by putting himself in the hands of a certain logic and regulating his thought according to definite and specific rules”
“Everyone has the obligation to ponder well his own specific traits of character. He must also regulate them adequately and not wonder whether someone else's traits might suit him better. The more definitely his own a man's character is, the better it fits him.”
“A man should live his life a certain way not because of some divine authority, but because of a personal moral obligation to himself and others.”
“The only obligation any artist can have is to himself. His works means nothing, otherwise. It has no meaning.”
“A man may go through life and remain ignorant of himself he may think himself as other than he truly is and he may die with this illusion still intact because no circumstance of his life has obliged him to revise it.”
“Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.”