“But look around at this world, how perfectly it's made. Flowers can't move, yet the insects come to them and spread their pollen. Trees can't move either, but birds and animals eat their fruit and carry their seeds far and wide.”
“Wild animals passed on their way under the leaves; each track was an arterial road; and when I stooped and looked at the earth close to, I saw, from leaf to leaf and flower to flower, a moving host of insects.”
“A world without adjectives would still have the sun rising and setting, the flowers blooming, the trees bearing fruits, the birds singing, and the bees stinging.”
“When you are attracted to, and eat, fruits, occasionally a seed will be carried within you to a fertile ground.”
“...the insects here see you as a big slab of animated but not very well defended food. The ability to move, far from being a deterrent, serves as an unforgeable guarantee of freshness.”
“The world is a garden of philosophy. God is its gardener; Man is the visitor.And any tree that does not bear fruits of philosophy either does not belong tothat garden or is yet to be grown.”