“Let me peer out at the worldthrough your lens. (Maybe I'll shudder,or gasp, or tilt my head in a question.)Let me see how your blueis my turquoise and my orangeis your gold. Suddenly binarystars, we have startlinggravity. Let's comparescintillation - let's sharestarlight.”
“Let me peer out at the worldthrough your lens. (Maybe I'll shudder,or gasp, or tilt my head in questions.)”
“Now let's try that again. Ask my wife nice, and maybe I'll let you sleep in the same bed as your teeth tonight.”
“Kiss me again, but don't let me see your eyes! I forgive what you have done to me. I love my murderer--but yours! How can I?”
“Let me enjoy my fan-wanking. Your what?Let me arrange the story to meet my own personal needs.”
“I'll illustrate the cover of your book for a million dollars. Wait, just let me find my crayons.”