“English does not distinguish between arrogant-up (irreverence toward the temporarily powerful) and arrogant-down (directed at the small guy).”
“The arrogance and brutality of empire are not repealed when they temporarily get deployed in a just cause.”
“When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations.”
“... a comment with the idle arrogance common of such nobodies who have just come into a small bit of power.”
“At times his arrogance did resolve itself into simplicity, though it was difficult, especially for strangers, to distinguish these occasions.”
“As she lifted the glittering strand of diamonds from the box, a small slip of paper fell out. She caught it as it wafted toward the floor. Four words in ancient script, an arrogantly slanted scrawl.Accept these, accept me.Well, she thought, blinking, that wascertainly direct and to the point.-Adam's note to Gabrielle”