“I would never trade however long I was with you, for anything in the world, because to me, you are the world. You are my world.”
“I would not have traded the delights of my suffering for anything in the world.”
“The angel brought you back.""Because you asked him to. You could have anything alse in the world, and you asked for me.""But I dont want anything else in the world. I love you. I would do it again. I would ask for you.”
“Because you make me better. You make me-you make me feel like I matter. Like my life matters. I feel like, with you, I can do anything in the world. That we can do anything in the world. And we will.”
“You’re not in love with me, not really, you just love the way I always made you feel. Like you were the center of my world. Because you were. I would have done anything for you.”
“I knew then that Jocelyn would never come back to me, because of you. You are the only thing in the world she ever loved more than she loved me. And because of that she hates me. And because of that, I hate the sight of you”