“Credit' comes from the Latin 'credere', 'to believe', for credit is the belief that the money you're borrowing will someday be returned, a belief that needs the future to function in.”
“Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want.”
“I know you're scared," she said, smoothing an ice cube over her blistering fingers, "but you gotta grab hold of yourself. Every time you give in to your fears, you're lettin' that man win. And every time you do that, he gets stronger while you get weaker. Givin' into your fears will rob you blind. You'll end up a prisoner to that man for the rest of your life.”
“If you couldn't catch up with me before the fame and fortune when you had owed me money and/or took up time with me, why on God's green earth should I take up any more time with you to borrow more money and not see you again until its time to borrow some more.”
“Learning money basics.Don't marry for money. You can borrow it cheaper.”