“Live by your impulses, and you'll be just like them. You're better than that, aren't you, Red?”
“Court games aren't fair. They don't judge men by their worth, and they aren't about what's just. Guilty men can hold power their whole lives and be wept for when they pass. Innocent men can be spent like coins because it's convenient. You don't have to have sinned for them to ruin you. If your destruction is useful to them, you'll be destroyed.”
“You're better than the life you've settled for. RISE to the challenge of your dreams! Don't just dream it - LIVE it!”
“You're a shameful opportunist! What you don't understand is that it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!"You have it backwards... it's better to live on your feet than to die on your knees”
“No, you're not like me. You're better. A better person, a better goddamn everything. Now, eat your breakfast. And if you open your mouth to say you aren't everything I know you are, I'll stuff that bagel in it. Plain. Without cream cheese.Healthy food--the ultimate threat.”
“You aren't my keeper, Lily.""No one is. You're responsilbe for you. I'm simply reminding you that you're worth more than what you'll find at the bottom of a bottle.”