“That's the joy of a harlequinade, after all, isn't it? We change our costumes. We change our roles.”
“Change isn't easy... changing the way you live means changing what you believe about life. That's hard... When we make our own misery, we sometimes cling to it even when we want so bad to change because the misery is something we know. The misery is comfortable.”
“We can't think of changing our skin color. Change the world - that's how we gotta think.”
“Isn't that... isn't that what friends do? They change our perspective on the world. Part of why we care about them is because we love that feeling. The feeling of being changed.”
“We are all the product of our minds and why Gandhi said...Become the change we want to see. Because if we don't change our minds for the better...we will never see the changes in humanity.”
“We can change our wives,” he said. “We can change our jobs, our nationalities and even our religions, but we can never change our team.”