“There are so many fragile things, after all. People break so easily, and so do dreams and hearts.”
“Love is fragile, It can easily break, So take care of it, Cherish it, Respect it.”
“Is your faith such a fragile thing that it can be so easily shattered?”
“Velvet carpet," sighed Anne luxuriously, "and silk curtains! I've dreamed of such things, Diana. But do you know I don't believe I feel very comfortable with them after all. There are so many things in this room and all so splendid that there is no scope for imagination. That is one consolation when you are poor--there are so many more things you can imagine about.”
“It is after all so easy to shatter a story. To break a chain of thought. To ruin a fragment of a dream being carried around carefully like a piece of porcelain. To let it be, to travel with it, as Velutha did, is much the harder thing to do.”
“Hearts are fragile things. That's why you have to be so careful.”