“It was like being in an elevator cut loose at the top. Falling, falling, and not knowing when you will hit.”
“Mardi Gras, baby. Mardi Gras. Time when all manner of weird shit cuts loose and parties down.”
“with a thug of a string, i'd cut loose my pain, my longing...”
“I didn't like having my inhibitions lowered. If i was going to cut loose, i wanted to be in control of just how loose i got.”
“You gotta help me get out of here! Cut me loose! Cut me loose!Well, Jerry, I gotta go to work, but I'll come back this afternoon and if you're not better, then we'll see about ... I'll see what I can do.It'll be too late, Gamble. I'll be dead by then. Cut me loose! You gotta help me. You just gotta help me!”