“And thus, the men won the Battle of the Sexes in Milesian times, so that from the Golden Age of Athens until the Golden Age of Rome, when all citizens were free to speak & vote at the State Assemblies, only women, barbarians & slaves were excluded.[INTRO]”

Nicholas Chong

Nicholas Chong - “And thus, the men won the Battle of...” 1

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“The Milesians won the battle by merely telling women that they did not belong to the same species as men, & thus there was no battle to be fought. For, the ability to mate & produce offspring together is a modern definition, unknown during Milesian times. And thus, the Milesians told women that men, being descendants of Prometheus & Epimetheus, the cousins of Zeus, the King of the Gods, were Gods. Whilst, women,being the descendants of Pandora, were playthings, made of clay, for men`s pleasure just as Pandora herself was.[INTRO]”

Nicholas Chong
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“And during times such as those, when people wanted to get on with life, the Battle of the Sexes turned into all-out war.In the Battle of the Sexes fought by the Milesians, the men won.Whilst in the battle fought by the Malesians, the men lost.[INTRO]”

Nicholas Chong
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“And in an age when the girls were clearly gaining the upper hand on men in the Battle of the Sexes, men could do with some help from Pet Spirits & Dead Men`s Oil.For unlike Milesians, Malesians could not send girls to be sacrificed to the Gods.[MMT]”

Nicholas Chong
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“The women of the Malesian Tales were however modelled after the lovely women of Singapore, the most urbane of the Malesian cities & the winners of the War of the Sexes.These lovely women,who belonged to a unique sub-species known as the "Singapore Girl", were spawn when the little City State imposed draconian measures in order to ensure its survival- measures covering population control, civic-consciousness, national hygiene & military preparedness- just as Sparta did during Milesian times. And thus, the Singapore girls,just as the girls of Sparta, were constantly in a state of military preparedness when it came to men.[INTRO]”

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“All the on-lookers were bewildered.The lovely slave girl, Briseis, had won the Battle of the Sexes with a kiss.[MMT]”

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