“We always remember our first love as if they were our last and wish our last love was just like our first.”
“Our first love is always our last.”
“From our first babblings to our last word,we make but one statement, and that is our life.”
“It's almost as if each instant is our last and first. We are always dying, and always reborn. And that is living.”
“Our love, our love will last forever. It's forever but it just doesn't work. That's why it will always be romantic because it can not be complete.”
“We don’t even survive in the memories of the living. Science has destroyed that myth. Whenever we remember something, what we’re doing is remembering the last time we remembered it; our memory doesn’t go back to the original notch, the first one was cut, but to the last one. Human memory is virtual, like that of a computer. When we open a file we’re not opening it as it was when we first created it, but as it was the last time we used it. It is called hypercathexis and is our brain’s most sophisticated recourse when it comes to confronting pain.”