“Jill had three basic statements about life,1. It is your life, usually with some added social commentary.2. What you want and what you get are usually two entirely different things.3. No one ever said that life was fair.”
“Tough toenails, tiger. What you want and what you get are usually two entirely different things.”
“Three life lessons:1.No one will see you.2.No one will say anything.3.No one will save you.”
“What a reflection on yourself to despise those who admire you! That said, one's usually of two minds: 1. You're ludicrously overdoing it; 2. You don't know the half of it.”
“1. "What do you really want to get out of life?"2. "What can you offer the world that no one else can?”
“Reimagining your life. Usually when people get Towered, they try to rebuild what they had. It takes a lot of courage to imagine your life might be different.”