“We have decided to call the entire field of control and communications theory, whether in the machine or in the animal, Cybernetics.”
“Something of the previous state, however, survives every change. This is called in the language of cybernetics (which took it form the language of machines) feedback, the advantages of learning from experience and of having developed reflexes.”
“General systems theory and cybernetics aredeterministic while human actions are not!”
“Unlike captive animals, people’s perceptions of control or helplessness aren’t entirely dictated by outside forces. We have the ability to create choice by altering our interpretations of the world.”
“We become slaves the moment we hand the keys to the definition of reality entirely over to someone else, whether it is a business, an economic theory, a political party, the White House, Newsworld or CNN.”
“Generally the theories we believe we call facts,and the facts we disbelieve we call theories.”