“Just because a thing is present on earth, that does not mean it is inherently good or that we're supposed to consume or exploit it. The Bible itself can be used for both good and evil. That doesn't mean it's flawed. That means that it is perfect.Again, as always, it comes down to us, and the choices we make.”
“Just because it makes no sense doesn't mean it's not good advice.”
“The fact that you are possessed by a demon does not mean you must become evil. Being evil is a choice, just as being good is a choice. If you let the demon take over, it's because you choose to.”
“What does it mean if we're afraid? Does it mean something bad is going to happen to us? No, it doesn't mean something bad is going to happen. It just means that we have the chance to be brave!”
“Surviving is a basic thing. Getting by. Staying alive in whatever way we can. It doesn't mean we make right choices or drive fine cars or have good jobs. It means we found a way not to die. I survived.”
“Because growing up means making tough choices, and doing the right thing doesn’t necessarily mean doing the thing that feels good.”