“Something I would always remember. When you forget how bad it hurts, you feel so free.”
“There was something to be said for the bodiless feeling that came after the cold. Something I would always remember. When you forget how bad it hurts, you feel so free.”
“When you forget how bad it hurts, you feel so free.”
“Like when you scrape your knee and you get a scar, but then thescar fades so much that no one can see it but you. But you know where it is. Cuz you remember what caused it. Andno matter how hard you try, you can never forget how bad it hurt when it first happened.”
“You couldn't really say that something that hurts so badly feels good exactly. It's more that it just feels right. And something that feels so right just couldn't be bad. It has to be good.”
“Yeah, he'd said, maybe it's just my idea, but really it always hurts, the times it don't hurt is when we just forget, we just forget it hurts, you know, it's not just because my belly's all rotten, everybody always hurts. So when it really starts stabbing me, somehow I feel sort of peaceful, like I'm myself again.”