“I came like water, and like wind I go”
“With them the Seed of Wisdom did I sow, And with my own hand labour'd it to grow: And this was all the Harvest that I reap'd -- "I came like Water and like Wind I go.”
“And I will look down and see my murmuring bones and the deep water like wind, like a roof of wind, and after a long time they cannot distinguish even bones upon the lonely and inviolate sand.”
“He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone.-from The Dragon Reborn. By Loial, son of Arent son of Halan, the Fourth Age.”
“I wana go out like I came in... Naked and Screaming!”
“My voice sounds like I have a cold, all the mucus from my crying lodged in my nose. A train, Mama said. Camille came, and the wind sounded like trains.”