“When the Englishman speaks of national wealth he means the number of millionaires in the country.”
“He is an Englishman, and in the midst of national and professional prejudices, unsoftened by cultivation, retains some of the noblest endowments of humanity.”
“The language itself, whether you speak it or not, whether you love it or hate it, is like some bewitchment or seduction from the past, drifting across the country down the centuries, subtly affecting the nations sensibilities even when its meaning is forgotten.”
“Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth.”
“The Boston Consulting Group recently released a study showing thatthere were 5.2 million households in America that could be classifiedas millionaires.1 I would love to see a candidate for national office,especially president, come out and announce that his platform wassquarely oriented toward creating wealth, that in 8 to 10 years wewould have 50 million millionaires in America.”
“If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire.”