“Your spirit is sweet So pull off your sheetAnd give me a ghost of a smileShow me your teeth'Cause you're teddy beneathSo just grin and bear it a while.”
“Doug that is so sweet, but your doing the controlling thing again" "How is that controlling?""For starters, you made your brother pull me over”
“And I couldn't stop loving you if I tried.There's so much good in you, Smiley. You're strong, you're giving, you're sweet. Your smile lights me up inside like a dozen suns, and your kiss turns me to putty. You're with every risk . Any risk.”
“Feeling depressed? Lift your chin up, pull your shoulders back, raise your arms, walk with a spring in your step, smile, and very soon your spirits will rise, just like your posture. It works. My spirit just rose, and left me cold and alone in this terrestrial body.”
“Okay, Kate, first of all, you’re touching me,” Vincent said for the room to hear. “So I’m not a ghost.”“And we’re not true zombies,” Charles said with a grin, “or he would have already eaten your face off.”
“Give me this one night, Em, please.Let me feel the softness of your skin.Let me taste the sweetness of your flesh.Let me feel your warmth.”