“Sharon saved my life, Sharon is my life, and I love her. And I was terrified that I was going to lose her. But as much as I wanted everything to be normal and right, I was terribly sick, physically and mentally.”
“As much as I want her by my side forever, I think an even more terrifying prospect than losing her is me standing in the way of her full potential.”
“What would I have done if my coya had been captured or killed? My mate, Sharone. The other half of everything I am. What would I have done?”
“I didn’t have a clue what love was about until I met Sharon.”
“Writing became such a process of discovery that I couldn't wait to get to work in the morning: I wanted to know what I was going to say. ~Sharon O'Brien”
“Please, sit down," Sharon said with another hair toss. I made a mental note to practice doing that in a mirror the next time I saw one. it seemed a useful skill, right up there with roundhouse kicks.”