“We articulate out fears, like children in the dark, giving them names in order to tame them.”
“We articulate our fears, like children in the dark, giving them names in order to tame them.”
“God made all the creatures and them our love and out fear,To give sign, we and they are his children, one family here. ”
“They become liberated spaces that can be occupied. A rich indetermination gives them, by means of a semantic rarefaction, the function of articulating a second, poetic geography on top of the geography of the literal, forbidden or permitted meaning. They insinuate other routes into the functionalist and historical order of movement. Walking follows them: 'I fill this great empty space with a beautiful name.”
“Your body does not eliminate poisons by knowing their names. To try to control fear or depression or boredom by calling them names is to resort to superstition of trust in curses and invocations. It is so easy to see why this does not work. Obviously, we try to know, name, and define fear in order to make it “objective,” that is, separate from “I.”
“Democracy is the name we give the people whenever we need them.”