“The Marquis of Harsfield Lord Franton, arrived after you left." Lady Endall said with some satisfaction. "He said he wished to be presented to Kim, and was quite dissapointed to find she was not there.""Harsfield? He must be nearly eighty." Mairelon said, frowning. "What does he want with Kim?""No, no, Richard, you're thinking of the fourth Marquis of Harsfield," Lady Wendall said. "He died last year; it is the fifth Marquis who was asking after Kim. He is quite a young gentleman--not much above twenty, I think. He was the grandson of the previous marquis.""Oh. I expect that's all right, then." Mairelon said, but he continued to frown.”

Patricia C. Wrede

Patricia C. Wrede - “The Marquis of Harsfield Lord...” 1

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