“You can't force folks to have good sense, even if they're family. Maybe especially then.”
“Your first family is your blood family and you always be true to that. That means something. But there's another family and that's the kind you go out and find. Maybe even by accident sometimes. And they're as much blood as your first family. Maybe more so, because they don't have to look out for you and they don't have to love you. They choose to.”
“I get a good shot in maybe I'll know some fuckin' sense into you. Then maybe you'll be thinkin' of Ava when you fuck her, not some other man's piece you can't have.”
“And then again, maybe people and things are the same as emotions: Even when you can't see them or feel them or be with them, and even when they have died and even before they are born, they still exist somewhere. Far away or close, they're always somewhere. Maybe nothing in the world is truly lost, I think.”
“I've asked you fifty questions and still have no sense of your life, your family, what you care about. They want to know about you, Katniss.""But I don't want them to! They're already taking my future! They can't have the things that mattered to time in the past!" I say.”
“See, most people you meet, they'll talk to you through fifty layers of gauze and tinting. Sometimes you know they're lying even before they've started speaking. And it seems the older they get, the more brazen and desperate folks become, and they lie about things that don't even matter... I don't know. Maybe they just get so used to it they don't even notice. Maybe it's like a creeping curse and the more you do it, the easier it gets. What's amazing is that they think they're fooling anybody.”