“What is perfect? Journey, a thing doesn't have to be perfect to be fine. That goes for a picture. That goes for life....Things can be good enough.”
“No one's perfect," I whisper. "It doesn't work that way. One bad thing goes away, and another bad thing replaces it." I traded cowardice for cruelty; I traded weakness for ferocity.”
“To an engineer, good enough means perfect. With an artist, there's no such thing as perfect.”
“She went on. "There's the drown of things and the swim of things, I guess. I've been going back and forth, back and forth. I feel the weight of it. And this bewilderment - how can something that doesn't have a form, doesn't have a definition, doesn't have words - how can it have such weight? And yet, there's the need to swim.""Life goes on," I offered."Yeah, but you see, 'Life goes on' is as a redundancy. Life is defined by its going on.”
“Starbreeze doesn't rest, doesn't sleep and can hear anything carried on moving air. It'd make her the perfect spy, except that most of what she hears goes in one ear and out the other."I'm looking for a Precursor relic, a new one""What's a relic?" Starbreeze said curiously."A powerful magical thing. It would have been found a week or two ago""What's a week?”
“...then tossed the coat into the water. “Hurst! That’s a perfectly good coat!” “Yes, and I have a perfectly good life. One of those two things is not replaceable.”