“It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”
“We can’t always tell the whole story about ourselves.”
“If you tell the story you will live the story. If you live the story you have to own the story. If you dont like the story your living, stop telling it.”
“Tell me a story. / In this century, and moment, of mania, tell me a story. / Make it a story of great distances, and starlight. / The name of the story will be time, / But you must not speak its name. / Tell me a story of deep delight.”
“Stories are not like the real world; they aren't held back by what we know is false or true. What's important is how a story makes you feel inside.”
“We all have our own stories. The story you tell about yourself, even if you only tell it to yourself, drives your actions and has a significant impact on your focus.”