“rush of pine scent (once upon a time),the unlicensed convictionthere ought to be another wayof sayingthis.”
“Once upon a time, I did not live in Shady Pines. Once upon a time, my name was not Alice. Once upon a time, I didn't know how lucky I was.”
“Once upon a time there was aOnce upon a time there was aOnce upon a time there was aStop this. It's undignified.”
“Once in his life a man ought to concentrate his mind upon the remembered earth. He ought to give himself up to a particular landscape in his experience; to look at it from as many angles as he can, to wonder about it, to dwell upon it. He ought to imagine that he touches it with his hands at every season and listens to the sounds that are made upon it. He ought to imagine the creatures there and all the faintest motions of the wind. He ought to recollect the glare of the moon and the colors of the dawn and dusk.”
“Ree followed a path made by prey uphill through scrub, across a bald knob and downhill into a section of pine trees and pine scent and that pious shade and silence pines create. Pine trees in low limbs spread over fresh snow made a stronger vault for the spirit than pews and pulpits ever could.”
“The world was so beautiful in those days, Annika. The music, the flowers, the scent of pines...""It still is," said Annika. "Honestly, it still is.”