“The neighbors... hadn't, thankfully, done the usual by saying that Losley was a pleasant neighbor who'd kept herself to herself. (Always delivered in a tone of voice that suggested that, since keeping oneself to oneself was the single greatest thing one English person could do for another, the suspect ought to be excused whatever psychopathic shit they'd visited on other people.)”
“Harm is one of those things that I always mean to keep clear of, but somehow my intentions and me don't chime as they ought, and people will get hit with stones that I throw at my neighbor's dogs...”
“A woman of honor should never suspect another of things she would not do herself”
“Poor soul, she always knew everything about her neighbors, but she never was very well acquainted with herself.”
“Always and in everything strive to attain at the same time what is useful for others and what is pleasant for oneself.”
“To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person.”