“This constant basso on the horizon is it the waterfall or the cannon("Poem")”
“Sunset encroached upon daylight like a powder burst from the mouth of a crimson cannon—orange and gold ribbons shot forth to wage a battle against the clouds. The western horizon was obscured by a glow like a living thing.”
“In the vast reaches of the dry, cold night, thousands of stars were constantly appearing, and their sparkling icicles, loosened at once, began to slip gradually toward the horizon.”
“From this arid sphere every discourse and every poem sets forth; and every journeythrough forests, battles, treasures, banquets, bedchambers, brings us back here, to the centerof an empty horizon.”
“A manmade waterfall that was half man, half waterfall would have a hard time going upstairs. Thank God for waterproof elevators!”
“La vita è come le montagne russe. Scendi velocemente, rimani a lungo in basso e risali a fatica.”