“The credo of Asclepian or brain-oriented healing is 'don't just sit there, do something.' [...] The credo of Hygeian or heart-oriented healing is 'don't just do something, sit there.”
“don't just sit theresail something!”
“[...] what the hell do I do about a broken lifebond?"He shook his head, obviously at a loss. "I can't tell you; I don't know. I don't Heal minds, I Heal bodies. And I don't know of anyone who Heals hearts.”
“It's a risk, I suppose. But wouldn't you learn and grow regardless of what the result was? That would be a gain, even if playing in Ringestad were not.”Lorelin stepped lightly after her sister. “Don't just sit there, do something?”Irisa sat on the low wall and patted the spot beside her invitingly. “Except there's also: don't just do something, sit there!”Lorelin laughed. How did you tell which wisdom-saying to follow?”
“Come on. Say something, Dru. Don't just sit there and look like I've stabbed you. Christ.”
“A skeptical man with a credo, 'Seeing is believing'. One day he found something so alien and said, 'I can't believe what I just saw'. Then the other man with different credo, 'Blessed are they who believe without seeing'. One day he found something so alien and said,'This is blasphemy, sinful and evil'.”