“Sanchez got the phone call, listened carefully, glanced over at Spencer, in Whittaker's office, having his morning coffee. Hung up the phone, got up, went and knocked on the door, asked if he could see Spencer a moment, and lowering his voice said, "Carl downstairs just called me because someone wants to file a vagrancy report.Spencer slapped him on the back. "Detective Sanchez, thank you for bringing the particulars of your job description to my attention. Well done. Go to it.Sanchez hemmed and said, "The young woman says she is Lily Quinn. Specifically asked for me, Carl says.Spencer didn't slap him on the back this time. He stared at Carl and then said, "All right smart-ass, go back to you desk."That's what I thought," said Sanchez.”

Paullina Simons

Paullina Simons - “Sanchez got the phone call, listened...” 1

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