“When people praise us, we should always keep a close eye on how we behave”
“We should behave to our friends as we would wish our friends behave to us”
“The system that God has given us is a holistic system. This is why the Torah is concerned with how we treat others, what we eat, how we behave, and how we produce, keep and share our wealth. The word shalom reminds us that we cannot live in peace until we completely take care of all other aspects of our lives.”
“Love is always meant to be. Always, always, always. It is our sin, our folly, our feeble eyes that lead us astray. But love... love is love. Beyond us. Otherworldly. Godly. We capture a bit of the heavenly and hold it close and then it escapes us. We are so foolish, letting it depart! That is when tragedy occurs. Love...love is always meant to be. It may escape us, but it hovers nearby, waiting to be recaptured, held close.”
“Given our abundance, the burden of proof should always be on keeping, not giving. Why would you not give? We err by beginning with the assumption that we should keep or spend the money God entrusts to us. Giving should be the default choice. Unless there is a compelling reason to spend it or keep it, we should give it.”
“I could not help but think how fortunate we are when we have real friends, people we can count on and turn to and who are always glad to see us when we are lonely.”