“If I just concentrate I can walk into memory's store and find the right shelf with the right film and disappear into it....”
“I forgot all about him and lost myself in the story.That's what I love about films and good books- you can climb right into them and be there. I just hate it when I'm doing that, and then somebody butts in and messes with my concentration.”
“There are certain emotions in your body that not even your best friend can sympathize with, but you will find the right film or the right book, and it will understand you.”
“All of us can think of a book... that we hope none of our children or any other children have taken off the shelf. But if I have the right to remove that book from the shelf - that work I abhor - then you also have exactly the same right and so does everyone else. And then we have no books left on the shelf for any of us.”
“You okay? (Grace)Oh, yeah. I’m just fine considering the fact I’ve walked through burning fires that hurt less than my groin does right now. (Julian)I said I was sorry. Okay, can you reach the pedals? (Grace)I’d like to reach your pedals…(Julian)Julian! Would you concentrate? (Grace)All right. I’m concentrating. (Julian)I don’t mean on my breasts. (He dropped his hungry gaze to her lap.) Or there, either. (Grace)”
“All I really, really want to do is find a very, very fine chocolate store that I can walk into and then figure out how in the world one manages to pick out just a few chocolates out of all those very many chocolates! If I am one day able to walk into a fine chocolate store and know for certain which chocolates I want, when that happens, I will believe myself to be accomplished!”