“Soon only the street lamps rose clear and shone down on a mass that devoured everything, people and houses, we could not see more than three meters in front of us. The lights around us were hard to make out and Jesper stayed where he was; stretching out his arms like a blind man he said:'This is what it must have been like when the Man from Danzig was shipwrecked. He must have been frightened. He thought he knew where everything was, and then it was all sheer chaos. Put your hand in front of your eyes, Sistermine, and spin around three times, then tell me which is the way home.'I did as he said, I spun around so I almost fell down, I opened my eyes and peered in all directions.'I don't know.''Then anything can happen.”

Per Petterson

Per Petterson - “Soon only the street lamps rose clear...” 1

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