“To hope until hope creates from its very own wreck the thing it contemplates.”
“To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite;To forgive wrongs darker than death or night;To defy Power, which seems omnipotent;To love, and bear; to hope till Hope createsFrom it's own wreck the thing it contemplates;Neither to change, not falter, nor repent;This, like thy glory, Titan, is to beGood, great and joyous,beautiful and free;This is alone Life, Joy, Empire, and Victory”
“In the violent scorn of her revolted pride, of her indignant honor, had she forgotten a lowlier yet harder duty left undone?In her contempt and dread of yielding to mere amorous weakness had she stifled and denied the cry of pity, the cry of conscience?To suffer woes which hope thinks infinite. To forgive wrongs darker than death or night. To defy power which seems omnipotent. To love and live to hope till hope creates from it's own wreck the thing it contemplates. Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent.This had been the higher, diviner way which she had missed, this obligation from the passion of the past which she had left unfulfilled, unaccepted.Now the misgiving arose in her whether she had mistaken arrogance for duty; whether, cleaving so closely to honor she had forgotten the obligation of mercy.”
“Above all, the Stoics sought wisdom, a condition that I myself hope to achieve after I stop wrecking and burning things.”
“Wishes are false. Hope is true. Hope makes its own magic.”
“Before I'd touch a square bitch's slit,I'd suck a thousand clappy pricks and swim through liquid shit,They got green puke between their rotten toes,And snot runs from their funky nose,I hope square bitches become syphilitic wrecks,I hope they fall through their own assholes and break their motherfucking necks.”