“One day when I was able to get up, I decided to look at myself in the mirror on the opposite wall. I had not seen myself since the ghetto. From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me.”
“I know I shouldn't turn to look at Cicely, no matter how much I want to. So I don't. But I can't stop myself from looking in the rearview mirror, as if looking at her indirectly will help somehow, like looking at an eclipse.”
“When I fell in love it was as though I looked into a mirror for the first time and saw myself.”
“Love, they say, enslaves and passion is a demon and many have been lost for love. I know this is true, but I know too that without love we grope the tunnels of our lives and never see the sun. When I fell in love it was as though I looked into a mirror for the first time and saw myself. I lifted my hand in bewilderment and felt my cheeks, my neck. This was me. And when I had looked at myself and grown accustomed to who I was, I was not afraid to hate parts of me because I wanted to be worthy of the mirror bearer.”
“I typically avoid looking in the mirror for fear I will accidentally intimidate myself.”