“It is strange, is it not, how a person can adore one's soul so much that they adore one's body also?”
“You really are the most adorable person. You have no idea how much I’ve missed that.”
“Sleep. We can adore one another in the morning”
“We always ignore the ones who adore us, and adore the ones who ignore us.”
“...in that look was such love and uncritical adoration as a god might instill into a new create. "Except, how boring at last," he thought. "To have one always, always adoring one. But perhaps gods do not get bored...”
“Let’s talk about adoration, people love adoration but they should not love it so much, because it can make them turn from the righteousness of God and His Holy Word to receive adoration from sinners who don’t believe and want their own way, so it is better to be humble, and obedient to God and suffer persecution of his Holy Word then to seek and long for adoration from men”