“Anyway, they took her body to McBurney's Funeral Home in Motley. They'll be planting her tomorrow.”
“Was that pity? I think it was. No wonder, I even pity myself. Will the pity make her love me? Make her take me home with her and look after me like the plant? Fucking bastard smug plant.”
“She said 'Over my dead body!' so I took her at her word.”
“Be the person they'll claim you were at your funeral.”
“She said she wanted to see beautiful things. I took her to where i planted my seeds.”
“Vaida planted her shoulders into the back of her chair and slid her lower body towards the edge of the seat. The fabric of her retracting skirt increased the protrusion of her legs. When she was in position, Vaida made a fine adjustment to achieve the desired view.”