“In a whirlwind, Reagan quickly knocked off fifty more push-ups, flipped, and did thirty crunches, then turned and landed a kick that dented the metal door. "I'm feeling sick, too, and look at me. What if Babe Ruth had said 'Time to Rest'? Or Michael Phelps? Or Neil Armstrong? Come on, guys–what are we?""Hungry," Natalie said."Sleepy," Alistair added."Grumpy," Fiske said."Sneezy," Phoenix piped up."Shot," Nellie said.”
“What's this?" Dan said, pointing to a funny squiggly formation. Uh, an M," said Nellie. "Or if you look at it the other way, a W. Or sideways, kind of S-ish..."Maybe it's palm trees," Dan said. "Like in the movie It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. You know? No? These guys need to find hidden money, and the only clue they have is it's under a big W? And no one sees what it means-but then, near the end of the movie, there's this grove of four palm trees rising up in the shape of... you-know-what! Classic!"Amy, Alistair, Natalie, Ian and Nellie all looked at him blankly.There is no W in the Korean language," Alistair replied. "Or palm trees in Korea. I might be maple trees..."Mrrp," said Saladin, rubbing his face against Dan's knee. I'll tell you the rest of the plot later," Dan whispered to the Mau.”
“It hurts," Nellie said."I know," Reagan said. "No pain, no gain.""Do you think they made that expression up for bullet wounds?”
“No." Tommy turned and headed toward the door. As he reached it he turned and said, "I'm not fucked." The Sartre reader looked up from his book and said, "We all are. We all are.”
“I'm supposed to trust you?""No," he said. He picked up the phone. "Put her sister on." A second later hehanded the small silver device to her.Summer felt a second of panic—after all, this tiny piece of metal and circuitryunlocked doors, turned off death traps and blew up houses. God knows what wouldhappen if she pushed the wrong button.”
“What does it feel like to get shot?""I don't recommend it," said Nellie in a controlled voice. "Chocolate is definitely better.”