“Often subtle clues are not obvious enough for the stubborn or stupid. This is when God stops throwing crumbs and starts throwing the whole piece of bread. If you step on moldy bread then you know you have waited too long.”
“What?” – Sundown“I have never in my extremely long life seen anyone take so long to answer a question. It’s like you went into your mind and got lost. You need a bread crumb, buddy? Here, Lassie, here. Come back, girl.” – Sasha”
“Unless you're trying to make a pile of bread crumbs to find your way home, you should probably give that roll a break.”
“He won’t last long, akri. Thanatos is barbecue. And I like my barbecue. Just tell me how you want him, akri, normal recipe or extra crispy. I’m partial to extra crispy myself. They crunch louder when deep-fried. Reminds me, I need some bread crumbs. (Simi)”
“Sasha snorted. "I have never in my extremely long life seen anyone take so long to answer a question. It's like you went into your brain and got lost. you need a bread crumb, buddy?" He made a noise like he was calling his pet. "Here Lassie, here. Come back girl.”