“That on any day you could pick there are thousands and thousands of little deaths, tiny tragedies, and that all of them matter.”
“I will love you like no other for I have died a thousand tiny deaths and everytime I died I thought of you.”
“Ten thousand swords before you, ten thousand daggers drawn.Ten thousand lives defend you, ten thousand warriors strongOur blood will spill ten thousand times In hope, ten thousand sighFor love we face ten thousand deaths With joy, ten thousand dieTen thousand Fey before you, ten thousand fierce and tall,Ten thousand souls protect you, beloved of us all~Ten Thousand Swords, a Fey Warrior’s Song”
“Kylie didn't know which one of the fairies were doing it, or if it was both- she honestly didn't care- but the thousands of tiny pinpricks of panic started to fade. She felt safe and that was all that mattered.”
“Any capitalist . . . who had made sixty thousand pounds out of sixpence, always professed to wonder why the sixty thousand nearest Hands didn't each make sixty thousand pounds out of sixpence, and more or less reproached them every one for not accomplishing the little feat. What I did you can do. Why don't you go and do it?”
“It was the sound of a thousand hungry children crying, ten thousand widows tearing their hair over their husband's graves, a chorus of angels singing the last dirge on the day of God's death.”