“This ordinarily even-tempered man struck furiously at his heart likesome fanatic at prayer, and, assailed by remorse not just for this mistake but for all hismistakes, all the ineradicable, stupid, inescapable mistakes — swept away by the miseryof his limitations yet acting as if life's every incomprehensible contingency were of hismaking”
“Every Man Mistakes the Limits of His Vision For The Limits Of The World..”
“Everywhere man blames nature and fate yet his fate is mostly but the echo of his character and passion, his mistakes and his weaknesses.”
“Naturally, in the course of my life I have made lots of mistakes, large and small, for one reason or another, but at the heart of it all, every time I made a mistake it was because I was not radical enough.”
“But clever people all make one mistake. They all think everyone else is stupid. And everyone isn't stupid. They just take a bit more time, that's all.”
“Josh had made a lot of mistakes in his life, and he'd tried to learn from all of them. He definitely tried to not repeat them.Hiring Grace had been his favorite mistake so far.”